
Blog Have to Go to Hospital

By iameunicegm - 11:15 PM

seriously. i'm not kidding. this template of mine has way many problems.

first of all, there is a ">" symbol right at the top left of my blog. i don't know what the hell is that and i check the html but can't seems to find the problem. dammit.

second, my "follow" button on the top right of this blog. i just found out that bloggers who had followed more than 300 blogs can't follow my blog by using that button. damn that button. it looks cute but it's also making me losing my beloved readers. hehe.

third, i DO love this template of mine right now. it suits the name of this blog. it's sleek enough to be pump. however, there are many things which i can't do. example are like, doing more decoration in here. this template is like a dead template. it can't be moved or altered once it is involve in your blog. haihh. so sad.

i wish i have the skills of becoming a real damn good html editor than i don't have to spend money on asking someone to edit it for me. well, when you are broke, all you have to do is use the help of mr. google and try my best to treat this blog back into health. *sigh*

mama is sad. please baby blog, do get well soon. =(

P/S: Will be editing blog in this few days so if there is any malfunction, i'm so sorry. 

Update: the "follow" button has been removed. the followers widget is back in its place but the f***ing ">" is still there. i just don't know how to remove that arrow so i guess i will bear with it for a little while. maybe a few months later, then only decide if want to change the whole template or not.

Happy blogging peeps! =)

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