i guess everyone know what is a shopping spree huh? it may be cheap or it may be expensive, it all depends on where are you doing your shopping spree at.
well, it's been a long time since i last went on a shopping spree and since i am getting back into my "usual life", why not spend some money on some stuff huh?
jusco tebrau is the spot for this time shopping moment. i wanted to go to ksl but it wasn't in parents list today so i just have to make do with this. overall, i spend almost rm200. i just hope i did not went over the budget. ><
BTW, today is saturday. a day where no plastics bags are not given so i have to squash everything that i bought into my bag and other plastics bag. poor me. boo.
first stop, Harris Popular. i have to get some stationary ready before i head back to university. *sigh*
Second stop, i don't know what is the shop name but there's lots of sales man! the Lunar CNY clothes are out and so many stuff to buy! 2 piece for rm50 and blouse for only rm20! i only buy one piece though. how cheap it is, when it comes to MY money, i'm sure to think twice about buying it. =D
This piece cost me rm29.90. okaay laa. cotton on sell this for rm60+ right? it may be a little thin but..WHATEVER! :P
I just love the studs! it makes me look like i'm a rock star! =D
Third stop, a handbag stall. its a small shop but it has lot's of bags which are not that cheap, i would say but its much cheaper than buying one from CS. the rent here is not that expensive i guess so the price is reasonable for me i guess.
rm50 after 10%.
Fourth stop, bras and undies. geez. this is embarrassing but there is no pictures relevant to this topic. *malu* i spend the most here i guess. well, it's a need so there is no regret. i did have some embarrassing moments here. FYI, i don't really know how to buy bras or undies. i have been sticking to the same brand for years and i don't intend to change it. mom asked me to try triumph but hell-no, one piece is too pricey for me. maybe when i start working la huh? for now, let's just stick to the economic pieces shall we? =D
anyway, i asked the lady to check for me my size but what she told me is too small when i try those sizes! i had to run back for a second check for the new sizes and there is a young man about the age of 18-19? he was standing with his mom and sister. i do know they are your family but heey! i am not! duhh! i wish he could have walk away and let me choose my piece carefully. huh. but then, a thought strikes me, HE'S THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE SHY! he's in the woman's department wadd so why should i be ashamed of my assets right? geez. so i took out all my guts and choose my proper size and color right in front of him. boo him. i then heard his mom said,
"haiyaa. go away laa. girls wanna buy stuff." *in mandarin*
yeah. go away young man. *smile with a smirk*
i hate buying bras and undies. =_____________=
next stop was at Elianto. long time ago, i used to buy nail polish each time i see an elianto shop but then, money became a problem so i stop that habit of mine. this time, with some cash in my hand, i couldn't say no! i went in with a desire to buy ONE nail polish but that lady kept saying,
"buy 3 laa. got discount. only rm19 with a free nail polish remover."
"err, never mind laa. i only want one."
"all these are new colors lor. buy laa."
and so, i gave in to temptation. boo me this time. ><
guess i'm going green this lunar CNY. =)
finally, i took all my bags and walk all the way to cotton on stall, vincci stall, voir stall, and came out empty handed. thank goodness i got a reign on myself or else, my money would be dry by now. hee.
ahh. with tired legs and wear out hands, i put on a huge smile on my lips with the success of not spending ALL my money on this shopping trip. =D
*tap on back*
overall, i spend rm186.65. goodbye money.
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Receiving happy vibes!