
l'esprit a décidé

By iameunicegm - 3:09 PM

I was browsing through the net late last night and i found a article about top learned languages around the world and of course, French came out as the top. i forgot to bookmark the link but i do know that Spanish, Mandarin, are one of the few language that people are leaning nowadays.

anyway, i always wanted to visit Paris one fine day so i thought, wouldn't it be more fun if i know the language? so, i found a website which i wanna share with whoever who wanna learn this beautiful language.

FYI, everyone have to take up a foreign language in sem 3, in university, so i was thinking, why not start early on this language and then, maybe i can score better in future? and who knows i might be able to get myself a french guy huh? #ehh ;)

therefore, i decided to start learning the basic language of french beginning yesterday actually. haha.

Au revoir! A bientôt! *goodbye! see you soon!*

the website i was speaking about: http://www.bonjour.com/

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