
She Is Found!

By iameunicegm - 9:26 PM

last night, i blogged about my little cousin/niece here. >click< and i told you guys that i cried out my heart to God right?

well, guess what?

He answered my prayers. i'm sure not only mine, but the family and everyone else as well. when i received the short message send over by di, i was gonna jump up and down and start to sing praises to God! i was like, can't believe the good news!

according to the message,

"Girl, God really hear our prayer. F already been found last night at larkin area. praise God. f condition's self and sound. only thing is she look weak. police and auntie s said no need go clinic for checkup cause f tak ada tanda2 dia kena rogol atau disentuh oleh laki."

i was so thankful! i prayed that nothing will happen to her. i prayed that she will come home safe and sound. i prayed that those guys will never put their hands on her, and its all answered! tell me how not to believe in miracles when miracles happen each time we pray?

prayer doesn't change the situation but it by prayer, we intevene and God will listen.

Ask and it will be given, seek and you shall find. knock and the door will be answered.

praise the Lord! hallelujah!

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