
Vintage Floral Nail

By iameunicegm - 12:17 AM

Next week is going to be Malam Puncak Perdana in our kolej and the theme for this year is vintage and the dress code is scarf. i not yet think about my outfit but i think i'm gonna go with this. its floral so i guess, its following the theme right? o.O

for the scarf part, i just don't get it. why must vintage go with scarf? lol. i guess i'm gonna go with a scarf tied to my hair. haha. i wonder how i'm gonna look. =D

by the way, since the theme is vintage, i decided to look for tutorial for something which has connection with vintage and i found this.

she is one of my favorite fashion vlogger. i just love her voice! haha!

anyway, i tried doing it with my own colors. *i don't really have many colors* and here is the result.

my left hand.

colors for left hand.

colors for right hand.

all the colors used. =="

i think this is my favorite nail. lol.

my right hand. 

i was having trouble with my right hand as i am a right handed person. it was tough and the flowers look a little bigger than the left hand but i did it. lol. the polka dots was done last minute as i totally forgot that i was supposed to do it on my ring and middle finger. haihh.

anyway, i think i am 50% ready for MPP. lol. 

as if.

dance choreography still hanging lor. =_________= 

i just pray that i don't make a fool out of myself. haha!

personally, i don't really like this style. it took me 4 hours to complete this look and i feel its too messy. maybe i just don't have the talent to do it like budz or maybe i just don't like it. well, let's just keep it for one week kay? 

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