My beloved mom just bought for both of us 2 big containers of this jelly-like-stuff. she said its good for health and so, seeing that she is so generous on this, i just give it a try.
today is my second day of eating it *well, not really the second day as today is supposed to be yesterday. ouh well. the disadvantage of blogging in the middle of the night* and i decided to googled about the benefits of it.
Seaweed kelp contains high levels of silicon which can renew skin cells on the scalp. Its amino acids also stimulate follicles and encourage hair growth.
Wrap a bit of seaweed around a cut under a bandage and it can help to stop the bleeding, according to experts in Tokyo.
The grains in seaweed can get into the layers of the skin and help to emulsify fat. This boosts circulation and helps wash away the fat that can cause cellulite.
A jelly-like substance in seaweed, called alginate, hides the insulin-making cells before the body can kill them. It’s being tested but eventually could help the UK’s 1.8million diabetes sufferers.
E is for ECZEMA
Seaweed contains iodine which makes it an excellent treatment for dry skin conditions and eczema. It’s already used in cosmetics – including mega-pricey celeb favourite Creme De La Mer.
F is for FLU
It could be more effective at fighting this virus than conventional drugs, according to experts in Japan. Scientists took a substance called MC26 from the seaweed and, after testing it on animals, believe it can destroy the flu virus with fewer side-effects than current medicines.
Recent studies found that glaucoma patients can reduce the pressure they feel in their eyes with a diet high in beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and the mineral selenium. Seaweed contains all four.
H is for HEART
Tucking into a clump of seaweed at dinner could ward off heart attacks, according to experts in Dublin. It contains a rich source of proteins called bioactive peptides which can lower blood pressure and thus reduce the risk of heart problems.
I is for ITCHING
Seaweed can help moisturise the skin and provide relief from itchy, dry or flaky skin. The Seaweed Bath Company offers body washes, body butters and shampoo and conditioners for itchy scalps.
Seaweed contains anti-inflammatory compounds called fucoidans and polyphloroglucinols that can help fight conditions such as osteoarthritis.
A seaweed broth could be extremely beneficial for the health of the kidneys as it gets rid of excess acid and takes the burden off the kidneys’ filtration system.
L is for LONG LIFE
People in Iceland enjoy one of the longest life expectancies in the world and many believe this is down to their love of dried seaweed, known locally as sol. Experts say it absorbs fat from the body.
M is for MUSCLE
Seaweed contains potassium which can help to build muscles and speed up metabolism.
N is for NAUSEA
Because seaweed grows underwater, the sun’s rays are magnified and this increases the algae’s vitamin and mineral content. An upset stomach can often be the result of a deficiency in the body, so seaweed would help redress the balance, leaving the stomach feeling calm and regular.
O is for OMEGA 3
Like oily fish, seaweed is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids which can help stave off dementia. A diet rich in essential fatty acids may also protect against cancer and heart disease.
Seaweed is high in iodine and folic acid. Both can assist in the development of a healthy foetus and decrease the chance of a baby having birth defects. Iodine boosts fertility, so it may also help you get pregnant.
These are a group of large muscles on the front of the thigh and should be the strongest in the body. Seaweed is a great source of protein so can help keep them toned and strong.
Tucking into a bit of seaweed could put you in the mood for sex, according to research carried out in Melbourne, Australia. Experts say it contains minerals that can boost your libido.
S is for STROKES
Using seaweed granules on food for flavour instead of salt could save lots of UK lives. The granules’ sodium level is 3.5 per cent – compared to 40 per cent in salt used by the food industry.
T is for TEETH
Seaweed is a one of the richest plant sources of calcium so it’s great for keeping your gnashers strong and healthy.
U is for ULCERS
Leg ulcers cost the NHS hundreds of millions a year and 100,000 people suffer in the UK. One dressing doctors use is called an alginate. It’s made from seaweed and is great for healing.
Seaweed contains more vitamin C than an orange. This protects cells in the body and keeps them healthy. It also looks after tissue and organs.
Starting your day with a seaweed shake could be the secret to keeping slim. Dutch scientists found that adding algae to a drink suppressed hunger pangs by 30 per cent and kept dieters feeling full until lunchtime.
X is for X-RAY
During dental X-rays, the body absorbs radioiodine into the thyroid gland and in some cases this can cause damage. But seaweed contains the mineral iodine which floods the thyroid gland and stops the uptake of radioiodine, reducing the impact of scans.
Y is for YOUTH
Seaweed is the key to looking young and is used in lots of anti-ageing products. Its high concentrations of fatty acids means it can protect against collagen and elastin degradation.
Z is for ZITS
Over-the-counter drugs containing brown seaweed have proved effective against acne – possibly spelling the end of nasty break-outs. Researchers in Italy found that a specific type of brown seaweed found off the coast of Brittany could diminish acne by regulating oil production, removing bacteria and reducing redness.
this is what i put into my mouth each day. before breakfast and before bed time. 3 tea spoons. i just hope this really gives me the benefits. ahak.
there. interesting right? i don't know where mom bought it from but i'm so not going to stop..........*small voice*....though its too bland for me. urgh.
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