
Day 6: A letter to someone you look up to

By iameunicegm - 10:01 AM

hello there. a brand new day and a brand new challenge.

Dear Someone Who I Look Up to,
     out of all people, i think i look up most to you. you have been strong for me when i was going through troubles. you had been there for me when i cry my tears out. you had been there for me to hold me down when i tried to end this life. you had been there for me when i needed someone to hold me close without saying anything. 
     i'm thankful that i have you as a mom. i'm really thankful that you brought me to this world. though there are many things that we both argued and quarreled about, but you are still there for me to be my secret best friend.
     the reason i look up to you is that i don't think that there is any other mother in this world that can compare themselves to you. *it may not work with other children* but to me, if i were to be given a chance to choose a mother, i would definitely choose you. you have been through so much for this family that i don't think that any mother would be able to go through this alone, staying strong for the family through thick and thin and never letting us see your tears.
     thank you for being there for me. thank you for praying for me each time you open up your eyes. thank you for bringing me to this world. thank you for everything. i love you always mi! =D
"Lord, thank you for blessing me with my mom. I know sometimes I am not the perfect child. I know I challenge her a lot with my views and actions, but I also know that You have given me to her so she can love me.
I pray, Lord, that you continue to bless her with patience for me as I grow up and become more independent. I ask You to give her a sense of peace about my choices and to allow us to talk about the things that sometimes come between us.
I also ask, Lord, for you to comfort her and give her happiness in the areas of her life where she needs You most. I pray that You continue to bless her relationships and ask for her to have joy and success in the things she wants to do and achieve.
Lord, I also ask for You to bless me with wisdom, love, and understanding for my mom. I pray that You give me a heart that continues to love my mother and open up my mind to what she wants for me. Let me not take for granted the sacrifices she has made fore me. I ask for You to bless me with patience in times when I do not understand, and the openness to show my love for her.
Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with my mother. I pray for continued blessings on my family and all the things we do for one another. In Your name, Amen."

eunice gm.

happy wednesday peeps! man, time sure past huh?

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