
Day 8: A letter about something you wish you could do over

By iameunicegm - 2:10 PM

a brand new day. hoola there. i'm so sorry if i had not had the chance to visit those awesome bloggers who had visited and followed my humble blog. i'm really sorry. when my test and due-date-too-soon assignment are done, i will sure visit back and followed. so soo so sorry. ><

anyway, let's get back to my challenge. two days more to go. wee~

Dear Something That I Wish I Could Do Over,
     well, there's one thing that i wish i could do over. hmmm. =(
     dancing has been part of my life since i was 5, but due to pindah-rendah of the family, financial problems, plus a little awesome-cute-but-don't-let-him-know brother, things have to be cut down and one of it is dancing. then, i joined a non ballet class,  a class which teaches us contemporary dancing and tambourine  it was a class full of joy and when you dances, there's nothing that can stop me from feeling so happy. it was super awesome laa the feelings!
     then, UPSR came. f**k upsr. pfft. i kept practicing that mom decided to take me out from the class. she said that being a student who is suppose to take a BIG exam, i should stop myself from all these classes. dang. so i was pulled out and became a nerd for the rest of my life  lol. just that a nerd which don't really get good results always laa. ahaha.

     till now, when there is a dance performance than got laa join but that's all my limit. no more stretching done. i think hor all my muscles became old already laa. lol.
     i do miss dancing though. hmm. so, the thing that i wish i had done was telling mom that i don't want to stop. if only i had continue right? if only i had the strength to say "No. i want to continue" but nah. hmm. ouh well, next time i'm sure my children will also love dancing. it's in the blood. lol.
     ahah. here is a picture of me and my partners in crime during a Bollywood performance for the MPP XI. ahh. don't laugh so much taw. just senyum kambing sudah. =P

     well, all left is memories. let dancing be a part of me but i think i'm gonna be a ballet mother next time. =P

eunice gm.

goodbye virtual world. got to run for a meeting soon! busy day ahead!

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