hello there. i would like to share something sad and devastated today. =(
two bombs exploded after a marathon in Boston and 3 people were killed, and at least 141 injured. the youngest who are injured are age 2. if not mistaken, there are 2 8-year-old kids who died. =(
it's so sad that this kind of things happens in our society. why human beings are so evil to do these kind of things to the humanity? it breaks my heart when i think of those people who have to lose their family and friends. it's so.........., i got no words to say. it's just so sad.
my tears and sympathy goes out to boston. there are reasons for these things to happen but be strong. the reasons may be unknown right now but one day, one day, things will turn out okay. =(
Lord, i just ask of You to be with them during this time of trouble and let them know that You are there with them oh Lord.
Be nice. Any weird comments will go down the spam drain.
Receiving happy vibes!