
Knock Knock From Zalora

By iameunicegm - 2:33 PM

hello there!

i am in a happy mood that i think i can start dancing right now! =D

a few days ago, noo, to be exact, on monday night, i was freaking our cause i got no dinner bag to bring to the dinner on this friday, *will talk more about it soon* and the bags that i obtain was not really suitable for the dinner or my clothes. it's more to the mommy's handbags? ahah.

so, remembered about friends from the blogger world who blog about the speed of zalora.com i decided to check it out and......

i found this. just perfect!

it took me only a few minutes to sign up and bambambam, i received a confirmation email saying that the parcel will be send to me in 3-5 working days. at first i was worry, what if the parcel arrived after friday? then, wouldn't it be wasted? 

however, i got a text message from them this morning and they said i will receive it in 24. i though it will arrive tomorrow but tuptup, 

a call from ta-q-bin and let the pictures speaks the rest of the story. =D

can't wait to wear this to the dinner this friday night! =D

P/S: thanks zalora.com!

eunice gm.

signing off with a happy heart!

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