
What I Had Been Up To

By iameunicegm - 11:22 PM

hello there.

it's been some while? i had been busy with my life and i just miss blogging in here. the previous post were focused on #GE13 so it doesn't count as a post by me right? =P

anyway, here is a summary of what i had been up to. ;)

the family and i went to a flee market in johor bahru, near chaiwalla & co and since this is my first time going to a flee market, i was thinking that i would buy LOTSA stuff but...the sad thing is...when i reached there, it was already 9pm plus? and since there are no lights in that area, flashlights from smartphones are popping up everywhere so the mood to do some shopping pon hilang. lol. in the end, i came back with a chaiwalla vanilla tea which is consider a hit there and deon with some bottle-like-beer-but-not-beer drink. 

the condition for that night was just nice. the temperature was also just nice. lol. there was live DJ in charge for that night but too bad for me, when i got there, there aren't any DJ's on shift but there was a guy singing songs with his guitar. haha. ouh, tips for this kind of flee market, if it's gonna be at night, please and do make sure that your phone has a flashlight app. i couldn't see much at all due to lack of light. boo me. =(

ladies and gentlemen,

next is Mother's Day! its this weekend right? ready for your gifts and hugs and kisses? ;)

we celebrated Mother's Day with grandma and the other aunties in a new restaurant called Fortune if not mistaken and i would say that the food is kinda yummy. did not take any pictures in there cause we were too busy talking about the elections. hmmp. 

and do not take note of why am i wearing a sunglasses in there kay? it's just for fun but it ended up in the picture. dang. i look silly. =________=

AND i went and watch Iron Man 3. like everyone would have say, "IT WAS AWESOME!" 

Plus, i went shopping and bought a pair of smart casual clothes, a fashionable blazer and a pair of wedges. i think this is my 6th wedges among all my other shoes? haha. not yet reach the level where i am brave enough to jump to heels. ahah. 

soo, i think that's all from me in these past few days? 

ouh ouh. one last picture. #politic =P

okay. one last picture. a cam-whore picture kay? a snap with hidden meaning behind it. =D

Have a happy remaining week! 

P/S: Happy Mother's Day to all who celebrate it and to those who don't. You have done a great job. =")

eunice gm.

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