
Happy Birthday AF!

By iameunicegm - 10:17 PM

see how much my girl had grown? ;)

heyheyhey! today, 19 June 2013 is the full 21 years of a girl, a full grown up lady who had been alive in this world. its a wonder and great big thanks to God for if she had not been born, i would not had learned the things that i had learned from this beautiful girl, nor would i know her personally.

she had been an awesome girlfriend. if i would plus and minus the years of our friendship, i think it begins from primary 6? 9 years already lor.

our friendship did not start out like the usual BFF forever style? we were more to "can i borrow mary-kate and ashley book?" and since she was like the only girl who speaks good english in class, i manage to click on with her. when we hit highschool, we went our separate ways till one fine day, during form 3, we met once again.

and how we can ended up this close eh babe? its my honor though to be able to be friends with you. you gave me something different in my life. you are the one who can be bitchy with me. the others do that too but you are the best! *insert kisses* lol. the memories of we spending out time on your bed, cam-whoring, bitching about others, oh man. it was awesome memories. =')

i really wanna thank you for still being a friend though our relationship has somehow be a long distance relationship? but we still manage to stick together eh? i hope and pray that it continues! =D

and, hereby, i just wanna say, Happy Birthday Girlfie! be strong when the wind blows you down in life cause you can always count on us to back you up again eh? don't forget your bestie Anna too!

i love you darl! God bless in everything!

dedicating a song for my friend!

i'm dedicating this song cause i wanna let you know that the world can be a harsh place but when there are friends who can faced it with you?

everything is going to be alright. =)

eunice gm.

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