since i got the time, let's get this over eh? i might not be able to blog after this due to time restrain.
continuing from here
once we got to the real jeti, the fun begins. =D
This is our first group picture. from the back row, on the left- Suraj, Hari from the front row, on the left- Sharvina, Sha and Reshie. of course i am not inside laa. busy taking picture maa.
Look at the sea! it's super blue and free! i kinda feel like jumping off the boat during the whole time through.
first view of Pulau Perhentian Besar. we are on the quieter side of the island so there aren't many youngsters who love to party type but more to the family who just wanna enjoy a few days without the outside world to bother them.
reached our room after a hearty lunch. hehe. just could not resist to snap one picture oh. silly me.
Mr Suraj in grass bikini? LOL!
our diner. man, they really gave us lotsa food! till there is always left over wan but after some meals, they stopped giving us too much and we ended up having just nice size of meals.
it was Hari's birthday so they decided to gave him a little "birthday gift". it was a good one i guess. i managed to obtain one scary pictures, filled with obs and it WAS scary so with everyone agreeing to delete that picture, it's off the camera for good.
the little cute chalet that we stayed in for 3 days and 2 nights. it's not that expensive as our vacation package includes food and snorkeling trips in 3 different places. soo i guess it was worth it for students like us who not yet earn proper money? hehe.
Sha early in the morning. we woke up to see the raindrops falling on the ground. we were supposed to go for our snorkeling trip but thank God the rain cleared up when the sun came out.
my little tattoo. hehe. it looks kinda suitable eh? =D
the girl with the serious face. early in the morning laa so this can be accepted. hehe.
sharvina who has a hearty laugh. when she laugh, everyone just feels like laughing together with her!
our breakfast. simple and nice. =D
this picture was taken after our snorkeling trip. we did not took any pictures cause it is not advisable unless your camera is waterproof so no pictures but at least we got sunburned as a proof that we went snorkeling! hehe! we saw a HUGE turtle! i touched it with my hand and man! it was scary! we even played with nemo fish which the actual name is called clown fish and there were sooo many fishes around when we threw bread in the water! the guy who was in charge of us took one fish and threw it to me. guess he was trying to freak me off but he did succeeded in it. i screamed like a little girl when the fish came flying on my face! the third spot was to see vegetarian sharks but i was too tired to continue so i head back to the boat to have a tough time trying to climb aboard. the others did manage to catch a glimpse of it though. never mind, next time, got this kind of trip again, i will try to gain my stamina first before i go. hehe.
and, and, and, he even wrote Sha's name on the corals! cool huh?!?! after don't know how many of hours of snorkeling, they finally took us to a place to enjoy some fresh water instead of the salty water. it was so refreshing to feel cold fresh water flowing down my whole body!
Sha and i woke up to see the sunrise but i guess we were at the wrong place of the island so we did not manage to see it but we did had a great time in the sea oh! early shower in the sea! wee!
we then head back to mainland around 12 plus if not mistaken and around 3 plus the terengganu-ians took us to their favorite spot in terengganu when they are stressful and man, i do realize why they love this place. it was beautiful! it was full with rocks and it added to the adventure when we have to climb up all the way. it was so worth it! hehe!
sha with her mango juice.
The different types of food that we put into our bodies for the whole trip in terengganu.
sleepyheads on the way back to IPG. hehe.
waiting for more pictures from two other camera. >_<
okaay. this looks super weird and i don't know what is the function of this filter but... i like it. =D
goodbye terengganu! it was a fun trip. a spontaneous decision which i will never regretted. =D
Travelling is the only thing that makes you spend money but makes your richer.
eunice gm.
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Receiving happy vibes!