
Miley Bares It All

By iameunicegm - 10:53 PM

heyheyheey, have you seen Miley latest video, Wrecking Ball? it is her second single to her first single, We Can't Stop, which i so fall in love with. the album will be released in October so if you are fans, then you can go and get Bangerz then in stores?

anyway, in this latest video, after her tweaking incident during MTV VMAs, she tries something new again to show that she is all grown up.

this time, she is seen fully naked on a demolition ball. i don't get the idea on why must she lick the hammer or bare it all but i just don't like the video. i do like the song though. her's songs are always good, just that...this time? hmmp. i hate the video.

ah well, i wonder what Liam Hemsworth have to say about this.

eunice gm.

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