
6 Things That Drain Away Money

By iameunicegm - 10:15 PM

hello there!

i always have a problem with money because no matter how much money i have in my bank account, i always thought that i don't have enough to spend on the things that i want. it's always ended up with things that i need or don't even need sometimes. i just don't get it why my account always go scuba diving.

anyway, i saw this post and i finally found my answer. sharing it here with you guys!

1. You are a caffeine addict
I won't deny that i love to drink coffee. i don't like the normal 3-in-1 type but i prefer the expensive types. i know that is so wrong but mocha and cappuccino taste so much better than the normal teh tarik or kopi o from the coffee shops!

each week, i would sneak into Coffee beans or J Co or Chatime just to get my favorite drinks and each time i did that, i would spend almost RM15 for one regular cup of indulgence. too much money gone right?

2. You are a disorganized shopper
ahah. one more weakness of mine. always going into watson, mr DIY, Daiso just to get some useless stuff which i think might add up to my collection. haihh. i don't always go for grocery shopping but i think i spend a lot on junk food too. tsktsktsk.

3. You wine...
ah-ah. i never spend a dime on wine before so i guess i can skip this. i do think that if i am the type who goes clubbing, sure my account will go down more than it is right now. lol.

4. .... and you dine
ouh? of course! a food lover like me can never say no to food! in one week time, i can spend almost rm200 just for food alone. korean, japanese, malay, western, chinese, just name it!

5. You have got subscription overload
none to this. the only subscription that i take is free. i hate spending money on make up that i will never try so never had the chance to do that. ever.

6. You are a little too generous
i think i have to admit guilty to this. i have the bad habbit to buy things for people. i don't buy expensive things but at times, buying things for people can take away 20 bucks! it just dissapear like that and i don't know what happen to the rest of the money.

so there it is! 6 things that can drain our account super fast. i just hope i stop all these bad habits of mine and focus more on saving money... for my own travel around the world plan! ^_^

eunice gm.

credits: http://www.hercampus.com/

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