
Zurich Tea Party

By iameunicegm - 8:26 PM

Heey there!

How was your weekend? did anything exciting? well, i did!

for the first time in my life, i attended an event but i brought mom along cause i just could not find someone who would follow me to this kind of event.

One picture before we begin the event. Thanks mi for teman-ing me! ^_^

Opening act that tells us about most women's life. falling in love, getting married, having a baby, growing old. it was something like contemporary dance and i just love it!

some snacks but did not try any of it. 

Sharing session on make-up.

I did a hair make over but i don't really like it. geez, i feel so mature eh? maybe it's because the curls are too much. if only i can let it focus only on the end of the hair? eh?

Last picture with mi. i did took lots of pictures with her. she went mad with me after some time cause i kept asking her to cam whore with me. geez. 

simple manicure. like it? =P

ahh, as usual, sure got goody bag right each time go for event? take a look at this! at first i thought it was a locket but then... 

it's a thumb drive! cool!!! 

Last picture after the event.  i look like an auntie in this picture. lol. 

Thank you says.com for telling all ladies about this event! 

all ladies should be celebrate for what they had gave most of their time to their families and society. 

Happy Ladies Month Ladies! ^_^

eunice gm.

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