
Holiday Season Is Near!

By iameunicegm - 10:44 PM


the holiday season is here but i don't think i will be ready- as usual when we are in malaysia universities. i wonder if it is the same out there. hmmmm.

in malaysia universities, our exam week usually falls on christmas week or after christmas week which puts christmas week as a study week, which is also obvious that we won't spend so much time studying on christmas eve. pfft.

so you can imagine the hectic that i get myself into when i need to rush out last minute assignments, last minute classes, last minute gathering AND don't forget christmas celebration. there's just so many things to do but i like it. somehow. i just love the month of december. wee~

this year christmas, our church is planning to organize a christmas party for the children, a carolling event for the one week before christmas (sometimes during or after) which also involved children and i am still not sure if i am going for family vacation. hmmmm.

mom sure did not say anything about this year vacation. she is always saying last minute stuff so we are use to putting it into her hands and anyway she IS the financial manager in this household.

as i mentioned before, when the holiday season is here, so is my exam week. this semester, my exams will be starting on the 29th of december (cruel isn't it?) and i just hope and pray hard *fingers crossed* that there will not be any exams on the 1st of january 2014. i don't want to welcome the new year with books in my hands!

ahhhh~ i can smell it. i just can't wait for it any longer but then i also don't really want 2013 to be gone just like that. it's kinda sad eh that time just passed like that?

which of course brought me to think,

what have i contributed this whole year? did i fulfilled my 2013 Resolutions? i don't think i am THAT successful. ahh well, who really fulfilled their resolutions anyway. pfft. *comforts heart*

well, have you? *huge grin*

eunice gm.

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