
I Share #6

By iameunicegm - 9:12 PM


a hutang post. >_<

life is just too hectic for me right now.

i just could not find the right time to write out a proper post so here is the hutang post. there are just too many events and test and assignments! man, being a uni student can be a tough job eh?


i enjoyed it laa. =D

here you go, videos that caught my attention.

first time talks about AIDS awareness. i hope this would be a good video for all those who plans to do their "first time". i am not saying that you should do your first time laa. its better to keep it for your husband or wife as it would be much special for both of you right? lol. what on earth am i talking eh?

aish. sorry2. PG18!! get lost kids!

nah, just enjoyed the video laa. i doubt kids would understand but, side entertainment? lol. wth.

this video, i would suggest it as PG18 too. keep away kids!

a parody of Miley Cyrus, Wrecking Ball. =D

that's all for I Share #6. i got to get into bed and recharge my battery! i am drained! >_<

eunice gm.

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