
I Share #8

By iameunicegm - 2:02 AM


done with your gifts and love to send it out to the world? my family is super late in this kind of stuff but what can we say right? the last will be the best? ahah!

this video just makes my heart melt like the ice when summer starts hitting once again. >_<

how can they be soo cute right?

a christmas song to be share! it is one of my classic christmas song. =)

here is a video of a tribute created by F&F. =(

WestJet Christmas miracle. it was an amazing trip and an unforgettable one i can ensure you.

last but not least, a video about hope, even for one second. it is a touching video.

hope can be gone but it can also seep in when we want it to.

eunice gm.

psst, i got my own instagram! @misseunicegm *if you wanna follow laa.. =P *

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