
I Share #12

By iameunicegm - 6:19 PM

Its Lunar New Year and guess what? i just got back from shopping! ouuuh, i love shopping though today's shopping is all about needs and not wants. i did get a graphic tee for deon though and 2 lip balms from baby lips. i just love baby lips lip balm because they are super cute! ouh2, and i got myself a candle with a vanilla scent too! my lavender scent has finished and since i need a new one, went and got a jar type. i think its much prettier that way?

okaay. okaay. changing gear, for I Share #12,

I am a huge fan of nail polish so i just love to keep a collection of them. i don't really think that i am a collector and even if i am, i think i am the amateur stage? anyway, here is today's random topic to share. 101 nail polish, you are thinking? not really. just some little knowledge on nail polish.

anyway, i found some really good tips to avoid smudging. i hate smudging! especially when i am done with my nail art and poof! the next day, it looks like a horrible piece of shit. seriously. it happens to me uncountable times. i hope this video helps! 

its from CutePolish and i think the timing is kinda tepat cause i usually wait for like 15 minutes for the nail polish to be totally dried but i did langgar the rule of top coat i guess cause my top coat is not really the good kind of top coat. do subscribe to her if you are a fan of nail polish too because her's videos are really good and her voice, i just fell in love with her voice. lol. #fetish

here is an article, 8 Nail Polish Colors Every Collegiate Should Own, written by HerCampus.com where their focus are on people who are halfway between young adult and adult. in this article, it focuses on ladies who are not erally interested in nail polish but as a women, you just got to get one, this is just the right article for you.

this article, 5 Ways To Dry Nails Fast are some good tips. i don't really follow them though cause i believes in the traditional way which is wait while watching some silly videos on youtube. you can try them out though?

before i leave this space, here is a video of an awkward moment.

will be doing a haul post soon! *if i got the time*

eunice gm.

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