
I Share #14

By iameunicegm - 9:37 PM

hello there! it has been a hectic week for me with new lecturers, messed up classes and so many assignments that need to be handle with a calm head! 

okaay. i'm freaking out. *breathinbreathout*

anyway, for I Share this week, i did not have much time to hang around the net but here it goes!

this video is about a cat trying to apologize to the other cat and what happens at the end was super hilarious! credits to 9gag.

Candle, a short film from 987fm, a singapore radio channel. the two guys character are a few of my favorite radio DJ's from 987fm.

"Time is a candle's flame and what burns are the minutes we live."

wanna know when you should get married? go over to this link and check it out! what this app will do is it will analyze your friends profile and it will obtain a median on when you should married. well, you saw mine? ahah!

i am left with 1 year, 8 months and 8 days to get married! man! where can i find a man! ahah!

but on serious note, many of my friends are getting married or are already married. i wonder why eh? 22 is just too young to get married eh? well, it's also up to this people la hor? soo, happy married people!

ouhouh! a friend of mine got married this morning! congratulations girl! =D

eunice gm.

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