
Book Review: Dark City: Psychotic and Other Twisted Malaysian Tales

By iameunicegm - 5:16 PM

Author: Xeus

Warning: PG18 stuff. read on your own accord. *i meant, the book. not my review*

before i begin, let me say "wow". it is a book that i would recommend to people if you are dark and crazy like me. lol.

okay, this book is divided into different tales in it and i was attracted to it because of its cover. when i got home, i just could not put the book down. it was THAT good.

the tales in there, which i remembered clearly are stories that have endings that make you go "WOW". at times, the ending would be hanging and it is up to you to decide if it is going to be a happy or a bad ending but frankly speaking, there's also stories which are kinda boring laa.

in here, the stories are divided into 12 different stories.

1. Psychotic
talks about a female bartender who got raped and tortured by her's rapist and the ending will make you go, "WOW."

2. Trashcan child
this was a little confusing for me at first but then i read the second time and then only i got it. it speaks about a woman, Pearl who picked up a child from the trashcan and gave her to a woman to be her guardian and when you reach the ending of this story, you would not expect that those people are not really humans. *spoiler*

3. One if by land
another favorite. it talks about prison guys who died mysteriously one by one and in the end, they did not died but were actually imprisoned forever. the ending was kinda predictable for me but it has a good plot.

4. Session One
ahh, this speaks about ghost. *sly smile*

5. The scarlet woman
this was one of my favorite. the ending would make you faint, just like the main character in this tale. it speaks about a boy who want to have sex with a scarlet woman and boy, i got a shock when i read the ending!

6. The six million dollar man
this was about a man who got the money but lack the senses. not really a tale for me.

7. Coup of the century
this involves laughter but i hope its not a true story. it involves two pair of couples who are interested in buying dogs for a competition and when they found out what was those dogs for, it is a horrible ending. for the dog and these pair of quarreling couples.

8. The resistance
this is not my tale. i don't like the story line and i was having trouble understanding it. i meant, there were too many mystery behind it that when you reached the end, only you understand who are the real main characters in it.

9. The maid
my favorite. seriously. the ending is a good one. because of this tale, i seriously recommend you to read this book.

10. A grave error.
another tale on ghost. the author was awesome though. i did not suspect that it was a ghost story until i got to the end.

11. Incident at monkey gorge
anger, sadness and other emotional stuff can make the kindest and gentlest woman change so beware, males out there! a woman can do great things when her emotions are her motivator. this story tells about 3 woman who are rivals in love and in the end, i can only say goodbye to the guy. however, the ending and how it happens was left to the reader imagination.

12. Monster
a child was kidnapped and he was sent to another country to be a monster but in the process, you will be shock to know who was involved. not really my story. i kinda predicted the end.

well, that is the end of it. seriously, i strongly recommend you to read this book, if you don't mind the violence in it. besides, its from malaysia. i seldom come across books written by malaysia authors that can twist my brain to this extend. there's a few, like Damnya Hanna? a malay novel author? she's good! i used to read her books when i was in high school.

Rate: 10/10

eunice gm.

P/S/S: there's a book number 2! i hope i can find it soon!

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  1. hi :) i'm interested with your reviews. where can i find this book?

    1. hi! you love creepy stuff like me eh? ;)

      well, i got it from my library but you can get it from mph bookstores i think? i saw it selling online here you can try if you are interested? =)


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