I Share #18

By iameunicegm - 11:49 PM

The weeks had passed just like that huh? i was dragging myself out from bed last sunday for class and now it's already friday? 

this whole week was a little harsh for me. there were so many things that need to be tend to that i don't even have the time for myself to surf the internet or do the things that i like besides trying to finish the books that i had borrowed which had also went over their due date.

on this week radar, which today also marks the Down Syndromn Day, here is a video to make you guys teared up a little. 

get ready a tissue eh?

by the way, heard of Spotify before? check it out! it's a application that allows you to play any music, your crush music gene, or even your favorite artist are all in there for you to stalk. gee! why don't this exist in my time eh? =="

eunice gm.

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