
March GA Coming Up Soon by Emas Putih

By iameunicegm - 12:32 AM

hello people!

Ready for the month of March? it's here by the way so even if you are not ready, there's nothing much that we can do right? time is seriously like a candle, though it sound cliche but it is true! it burns out so fast! time just flies!

anyway, forget about those craziness or havoc of the month of march. there's something that you can look forward to this coming friday, 7th March 2014.

i am sure many of you guys know the famous and pretty Uzu from Emas Putih as she had been a hit in newspapers and many GA's had been successfully done by her.

therefore, *ehem* i am proud to announced that Sleek & Pump is one of the sponsor of this coming GA. it was a tough choice for me when she posted about searching for sponsors but then, i thought, why not? it's a chance to network with people and i get to play a little water in the process. i hope it will be fun! it was a great collaboration i guess?

and  i wonder who will be the lucky one huh? i am always joining people's GA. so this is what it's call, "Other people's happiness is ours too? lol. wth.

anyway, do support yea! the gifts list is up and you can find out more about this GA for yourselves or friends or relatives by going to this website

do check it out!

and, good luck! may lady luck be smiling on you!

lotsa loves,
eunice gm.

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  1. hye,,, feel free to join my segmen =)

  2. Salam sejahtera.. singgah blogwalking senarai follow wajib GA Emas Putih salam ceria,..

  3. Follow you :)

  4. Heheeee joining this <3
    following you as one of the sponsors right? <3333

  5. Yes im no 128...he
    Done...inbox my details...waiting my prize hehe


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