
My Experience With Xperia L

By iameunicegm - 6:00 PM

hi there! *grinning*

my segamat post is still not up huh but soon, a little more time okay?

anyway, since the incident of my old phone, i had got myself a new phone which is Xperia L. it was kinda last minute as i was going back soon to uni and in these days, who don't have a phone eh? it's a must in our life.

anyway, i told the boss that i wanted a phone with good camera and since i seldom play games, i don't really mind about the games but i do have emails and lotsa documents. besides, my budget was only rm1000. what should i get?


he recommend me this.

behold! Xperia L.

forgotten to took out the cover. it is red in color. =="

the specs of this phone? go google it eh? heheh. i am not a big fan of gadgets. as long i have something that works for me, i am okay though i would love to own an xperia z10. ahah!

anyway, i had been using it for almost two weeks now? here are a few pictures that i had taken with this phone.

this was the first picture that i took. we were at vivo tebrau and you can imagine the lighting in there? it's more to warm but i do love how this image turn out.

this was taken the next morning. was looking through the apps in phone and then came upon this *jakun*.
sorry mom, you got to be the sulky model. lol.

this was taken at a night hawker stall so the lighting was kinda dark but i think it turns out okay? it was without flash though.

was waiting for bus which takes forever to arrive. #UTM

and a camwhore image. ahah! i took natural lighting here so i lovvvee this picture! insta right away! 

this was supposed to be a sweep panarama but then it got stuck halfway. i still don't know how this works so nope, i don't like this.

and this was taken from a moving car. this is a advantage of xperia l. it captures image fast so no lagging behind. everything is captured!

you can head over to this webpage for more details regarding this phone.

ouh, btw, the price that i got for this was RM749 but then plus minus with extra one year warranty and some accessories, it came up to RM800+? 

conclusion, i love this phone and yup, it had its first drop already. it was in class when it happen but then it wasn't that high. boo me. silly me.

there's one thing that i am not really satisfied though is the battery life. man, it drains! in one day, if i kept playing Hayday and social networks, i got to charge it around 2 times? maybe i am kiasu laa. hahah.

anyway, it is a great phone. other than that, if you are looking for a phone just for the sake of smartphone, you can consider this. 

eunice gm.

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  1. this experia L of yours start to impress me by its photo quality. Rethink to change to sony. haha

    1. not a good thing with battery but you can give it a try! =)

  2. seronok la ada hp baru. hehe

    follow sini.. :)


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