Travel- Penang | Butterworth

By iameunicegm - 8:35 PM

This is so last season. I went to Penang right after my summer holiday starts and here is my experience. *wide grin*

First picture of the gang. Some of le gang are Penang folks so that explain the amount of bags. 

Our first dinner at Butterworth. I forgot the name though but in mandarin, it's called "Mi Sua". 

Our location to sleep is at our friend's grandmama house so we save money in that sense. 

Day 1

Day 1 is the day we spend in Butterworth and the first thing that we did is to go to the famous Apollo Market. They sell tons of stuff here, from the wet stuff to the dry stuff. It's something like a wet market but it also sells clothes and accessories. 

My breakfast for the day. "Wan ton mee".

The famous Penang Laksa. It's something like our Asam Laksa.

Can someone please tell me why is their kopi-peng taste so good?

For lunch, we had a famous chicken rice- which i also forgot what is the name of the shop. ==" 

After lunch, we went looking for Loklok, also known as "Satay Celup" and yeah, you saw the price. It's only RM0.30! How cool is that people?!?!

Cendol, Ais Kacang and random fried stuff. (5 Stars)

A simple dinner. =)

One more famous spot, and for the night is the Must-Try Curry Mee. It's awesome! We sat in the dark while having this but it was an awesome experience. =)

Watch up for Part II! =D

eunice gm.

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