Two Ingredient Easy Recipe For Breakfast

By iameunicegm - 2:41 PM

Hello guise! whatzup? had your breakfast or are you fasting today? well, keep strong if you are fasting and come back again when you already "buka" okay? 

anyway, today was a great day to eat a proper breakfast so i woke up early *read that as 10.30am* and prepared my apron to start cooking and... i don't cook. #FYI therefore this is the PUR-FECT recipe for me to prepare.

Banana-Eggs Pancake

Serve:- 1

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 eggs
  • butter

  1. Blend your banana and your eggs or you can use your hand but i think by blending it, you get a perfect mixture compared to using your hand.
  2. Get the pan ready and scoop a little bit of the butter *follow your heart* *wink* and throw it into the pan.
  3. Pour the mixture in to a shape like a pancake.
  4. Wait for it to pop little bubbles or you can just check to see if it is ready after a few minutes before turning it over.
  5. Serve and add a little honey. (optional)

forgive my shape. =="

there. a perfect healthy *don't know about the butter though* easy peasy breakfast. that's easy right?

no picture of the final product though. it got burned a little *i told you i don't know how to cook* and it would be embarrassing to show you guys. *lock myself in the closet*

do try this easy recipe! i can ensure you that it would be delicious! the sweetness is just right and it is super easy. however, if you like something that is strong like the real pancake, i don't think you may like this but still, do try it first and tell me about your "experience". 

peace and out!

eunice gm.

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  1. wow! this the great I can try cooking it for my 'berbuka' today. Too easy... Thanks a lot Eunice coz share this yummylicious food. My kids must like it ^__^

    1. do try and tell me what you think? i selalu ada masalah bila nak flip pancake tu. kalau bukan terlalu masak, terlalu tak masak. =="


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