
End of 2020

By iameunicegm - 8:20 PM

 Hey peeps, 

It's the time again where we do a quick post mortem of what happen in the year 2020 and how things can be improved in 2021. The year 2020 has been a slow one for us but although it has been a slow year, many things did happened. Somehow, the year 2020 kinda put a pause on things in a certain way. There was less outings, less travel and less socializing, either at home or outside of the house. 

It was tough on the mental health I would say and I know that others may have it worst than me but 2020 has really been a tough one. I am stepping into the year 2021, hoping that things would be less overwhelmed this year. I lost family members, did not make it to a few close friends weddings and almost broke my fucked up ankle. All is well though. I have food on the table and a roof over my head, so, all is well. :) 

Let's begin the diaries of the year 2020.

January 2020

We started the year off with a good hiking trip up to Bukit Gasing and some good food around KL with some friends. Who would have known that that event would be our last group hiking trip due to a pandemic. 

February 2020

The girls head up to Penang for our first trip. We went for temples visiting, food hunt, hidden bars hunt and even managed to go for a one hour hike to a beach hidden in there. It was here that I realized that Penang has quite a few places to ease the travel bug. No wonder this little island received so much love all this while. 

This month was also CNY so there were plenty of dinner with family and friends. Grandmama actually came up to KL so I would say it has been more than a year since I went home to JB during this period.

March 2020

Right after the PDS was done with the project, a bunch of us ran of to Japan. It was a 11 days trip but it felt so short as we were running from one city to the other. I don't remember all of the places that we went but I do remember there was tons of food and nice pictures involved. Japan make me fall in love with pickles and Karagae. 

Here is a picture of Nagasaki where the first atomic bomb was dropped here and it broughtus back to the pain that was dealt with in the old days. 

The first day of Japan where we tried to have a theme to wear so that we can take nice pictures. Simple things like this makes the whole picture looks so nice eh? 

April 2020

This was when the whole nation shut down for a few month to halt the virus. It was horrible as many lost their bowl of rice and many had to hide away without proper food and shelter even. The girls and I joined a group called Caremongering where they provide aid in terms of food to the society around us. It was a heartbreaking time as you could see so many people needing help. 

It was also an eye opener working with this as you could see the houses that people stayed at and how people are suffering. No pictures uploaded here but you can drop by at their facebook, Caremongering Malaysia if you are interested in helping out anyway you like. 

Oh, it was also this little girl One Year birthday! Poor thing had to celebrate it in house with a virtual party. 

May 2020

More staying at home although this was the time where the nation was slowly opening up. We had some work out sesh in the park and I think this was also the time I started Tik Tok out of boredom. Apparently, there are tons of things to check out in that application! 

We also took our necessary worm pill to get rid of any worms that we may have encountered in our stomach. I am not sure why we had this taken but oh yeah - glad we did it! Go get your worm pills ASAP! 

It was Justina's birthday and it was fun, we went for a crocodile hunt though we did not see any crocs. It was mentioned that Klang has crocodile sightings and this girl loves sharks and crocs so that was what we did! Kinda sad the croc did not appear but it was still fun running around with a raw chicken. 

June 2020

This was a sad month. 20th June, we received news that our cousin passed away and we rushed down for the funeral. It was not a death that was expected nor fair I would say but things happened. I have no pictures of the funeral and everything is kinda in a blur. I would not want this news to come ever again in our family if I can choose that. 

Oh, we had another birthday too. After so long of being copped up at home, we finally gotten the chance to meet up. 

July 2020

We rescued a kitten! We named him Mango and he got rehome to a nice home. This was our first time doing this and it was interesting since he was so tiny and needed to b feed via a syringe and after each meal, he will poop, pee and sleep. Look at how tiny he is!

We also had our second trip up to Genting. Who knows Genting could be so much fun? It was right after the MCO so we had to followed SOP. 

August 2020

Malaysia slowly came back to life with the economy but somehow everyone was starting to live life like there is no Covid. We found a cool place to chill and eat. It's called KL Rex and they have pretty cool shops around there. Thrift store - you get it. Barber shop - you get it. Tons of beer - you got it too! 

Our first island trip for 2020! Woohoo! It was fun given that it was an adhoc trip and it was a one night trip. We did get to enjoy Terengganu in its glory so that was fun. And yes - I am guilty as charged given that no one was following the SOP in this island. Somehow, everything seems fine back then. Malaysia had a few days of 0 cases. 

September 2020

Community 2.0 was launched and we had some fun time in the forest of Selangor. This place is called The Sticks and with a price under RM100, you get to spend the whole day there with a splendid lunch and a tea time. There's even games and a river that you can spend time in with family and friends. 

October 2020

Nothing much happened in the month of October given that we were busy trying to go live with our project. There was a night where mom and I went out for a date so that was fun. Mom was in town for a couple of months before she decided to head home to JB again. 

November 2020

Ahh - the company was slowly terminating people or sending people back so we had to say goodbye to a couple of friends and colleagues. One of our friend had to be send back to Iraq so she did a simple dinner with a small group of friends. 

Oh - bought a skateboard and started playing with it. I would say I am not good at all with the whole legs on wheels but it was fun while it lasted. 

December 2020

Ahh, my favorite month of the whole year. December is always special in its own way. The birth of Baby Jesus, the birth of me and of course a time to spend some quality time with friends and family alike. This year birthday celebration, I got the opportunity to celebrate it with my close friends and even get to enter into the age of 28 with mom and Gideon. Oh, even get to try out Onsen in Malaysia and get to pour out my feelings! Well, it was fun times. 

Well, then something bad happened. Something not expected too early in the skateboarding world. I sprained my ankle while doing a lame trick. Somehow the already fucked up ankles got twisted and I heard some cracks. Thank Lord it was not a fracture but it was a bad sprain. I hope it gets to heal properly though. We did however get to spend NYE in Genting (I know, again :) ) and it was delightful. Although going around with a wheelchair is not something that I enjoy, I did enjoyed the cold weather, warm maggi steamboat and good companion. 

And just like that, the end of 2020 is here upon us and we enter a new year - 2021. 

I don't think I am much of the resolution kind of person but I do hope to be a better me. Oh, I decided to sign up for a real therapy session to figured out how to be a normal person. #jk 

Oh, and I decided on a NoBuyChallenge too! Will blogged about it soon! 

another year, people. 

Stay safe! 


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