
How I almost broke my leg?

By iameunicegm - 10:21 PM

 Hey there, 

Back during my high school days, I have always wanted to do extreme sports such as, rock climbing, roller blading (I managed to do this because of pass down blades), cycling (Also pass down bicycle), anything that can make me feel the wind or adrenaline rush flowing through my veins. One of the sport that I would want to do was skateboarding but since I was a teen, money was not something that could easily got us anything we want. Money was more for needs and food on the table. 

Anyhoos, since stepping into adulthood, these old wishes slowly die off and money was spend more on the adulthood and silly things like travelling, drinking and lots of food. A friend who has begun her journey with skateboard kinda stir the feelings in me so after one short weekend fooling around with her board, I decided, let's do this. 

Please see: If you would like to try out extreme sport, please make sure you have all of your safety gear ready. Helmet to knee pads, make sure you have them and wear them. I am so glad that I wore them or else I would have hurt more than what I have hurt now. If you take a look at my elbow pads, there's scratches all over them and mind you - those are hard pads. 

I started in November 2020 and managed to learn a few basic tricks that can show that I try in skateboarding. 

One fine day in December 2020, I decided to throw in 2 tricks and let's be honest here, 1 trick was not even a solid one for me since I was such noob. 

Let me not bore you with more words. 

Here is a video for your enjoyment with a lovely song that sums up the day - Oh No, No No No No No no.          

It was a wrong angle and when I fell, I heard 3 loud cracks. I was like, shit, this is it. My first bone break. Some other skaters asked me to stand up but I was too scared cause I knew something was just not right. Some kids came by (They were like age 14-16) and one boy has his arm in a cast and another girl has her fingers in a cast. The boy said, let's take off your shoe and let's rest your leg. He applied some medicine but JT and I were like, nah boy. I think its best to go to the ER. 

Mind you, we were in a bowl so the next question came, How are we supposed to get me out from the bowl? The girl with the finger cast said, Let's get her on the skateboard and pushed her up. JT, being the sensible one, cut her off and said, No, let's just try to carry her on one side. In her head, she had wanted to get one big guy to get the deed done. 

Somehow, we managed to climb out of the bowl and head right to ER. 

A conversation in the ER:

Doc: Okay, I have your x-ray. Do you want the good news or the bad news? 
Me: Err, good news? 
Doc: Ah, the good news is you did not fracture your leg
Me: Okaay, and the bad news? 
Doc: Oh, there is no bad news. (laughing away)
Me: . . . 

I think 2 days later, we went and meet up with the specialist and he confirmed that the crack sound that I heard was the ligament tearing and that I should be up and about in 6-8 weeks. That sounds like a long time. 

Now, what happen to the skateboard, you may ask? 

I sold it off for RM100 to another girl who looks like she can skate better than me. :) 

And, I am relaying on crutches for now. It has been the 3rd week, the bruises are still there and I can only put 30% of less weight on it at the moment. I can climb stairs and walk around but after walking around, it always feels big and off. 

I am glad that it was just a ligament tear cause another friend got a fracture and she had to wait for 6 months to recover. Even till today, when she walked a little more or when it is cold, her feet hurts her. 

Will I be scared to do more sports like this in future? Well, I am not so sure about skateboard but I would definitely continue with rollerblading, surfing or just something that can make me feel the wind and the rush. 

This whole incident kinda put a pause to my plans though and I guess it is in some good ways. Langkawi trip was called off and lo and behold, there was a Langkawi cluster going on. I did miss a good friend wedding though so that sucks. On the bright side, I managed to spend some quality time with some good friends and we visited Genting a couple of times. 

Cheers to the road of recovery! 

A picture of my leg after a couple of days


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