hello there! it's the holiday mood huh? hereby, i wanna wish everyone a Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate it and Happy Holidays to all those who are enjoying the holidays!
This year Lunar New Year Eve, as usual, we went back to grandparents house in Kulai to celebrate with the family. it's not a looking-forward-to event cause i don't really like the idea of socializing with the family but well, better get to it and avoid people's talk right? lol.
usually, every year we will stay back and hold out to the next day but this year, i decided to come home to my bed. i don't know why but i just feel that its better to head back home. no drama. no crazy memories this year. haha. just me. alone. #foreveralone
anyway, LNY came and the fire crackers went up everywhere. even in my area. i was amazed! haha.
went to grandparents house again to do the house visiting thingy and i got 5 angpows from my aunties and uncles. well, amount of money is not important right? it's the thought that counts and it's just another tradition to carry on so don't really think so much about it.
after that, i went to Sha's birthday party. frankly speaking, this is my first time going for my bestie birthday party after so long. it seems that the older you get, the lesser the party will be for you. lol. maybe this just works in my family. lol.
it was fun. everything is fun when your friends are there right? haha. i wonder what she feels when she sees my present for her. lol. i feel small. ><
anyway, will post the pictures here when Af post it in facebook. she is the photographer and the editor. =D
happy lunar new year people! don't ask for angpows ahh. there's tradition wan. =D
enjoy the pictures!
A brand new day. A good sunny day to celebrate LNY huh?
It was meat day i think. there were so many types of meat. there were roasted chicken, roasted pork and duck meat. man! i feel so meaty!
Duck soup. It taste so nice oh!
grandma "killing" the duck. haha.
duck head. nobody want oh. T__T
dad took over from grandma cause the clever's too heavy.
grandpa and me. =D
deon and grandpa.
politic stuff. =______=
time for yee sang. this year got no colors wan. lol.
huat ah! huat ah! huat ah! i din do though. i'm not the type of person who believes in this stuff. you can say that i believe in God making the way and not some random sweet and sour and spicy snack.
the end product. they said if it spill more its much better oh but to me, it spills more, its more wasting hor? lol.
did not take much pictures. sorry. :p
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Receiving happy vibes!