when it comes to LNY, i don't get excited over the decoration and tradition. mainly its because we are from a christian background and only mom is pure Chinese so the only thing that we do is go back to mom's side and enjoy the atmosphere for a moment. when we get back home, it all comes down to any usual day.
anyway, the only thing that can make me jump around is the sales! oh man! have you see how jusco looks like?! man! the people! they are crazy man! the queer is super long! and the people kept coming back to buy more stuff! however, put aside all those negative stuff, there's the positive stuff too! the clothes! shoes! almost everything is on sales! err, except for hair saloon. i dare not to go and cut my hair though i badly need one before going back to uni but its so pricey! who dares to go must be rich or desperate for a haircut during LNY.
back to the topic, this year, i'm going green. not with clothes of course. i mean my nails. *look up at the tittle*
As usual, first of all is the soaking and filing of nails. lucky for me, my two last nails are natural so i don't have to do much there.
then, base coat from in2it, i like this cause it dries fast. this is to protect your nails from turning yellow. then, creamy green for my wedding finger and green splash *i prefer calling it green pastel* for the other fingernails. lastly, top coat but i just use the invisible type. it works though.
i think among this two greens, i prefer the creamy green. i like the darkness of it but mom and brother prefers the other color. well, different people has different taste right?
for LNY toes, i used this color in this post, cause i want a simple color. some people might go for stunning and bright colors but nah for me. i prefer something light this time. maybe for hari raya? ;)
okay. cam whore time. while i was doing my nails, of course music must be on laa! lappie looks pretty cute with my picture on it so decided to take a picture of it. =D
okaay. just got up this morning and had the feeling of taking picture so poof. this came out.

the look inside my nail polish bags. haha. terrible. must find a better bag for all these soon.
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Receiving happy vibes!