
Responsible Blogging 2013

By iameunicegm - 11:14 PM

As a blogger and a dedicated reader, i realized that people rely on our article when we blogged and to be a responsible blogger, all you have to do is to tell the truth. therefore, let's be a responsible blogger shall we?

Let’s Shape A Sustainable Future Together – Responsible Blogging 2013 is a campaign calling upon the entire online community in Malaysia to rally for and support an ethical climate in the blogosphere for our mutual benefit. We’d love for you to join us in our year-long rally – and show that you care.

Our goal - 1,000,000 engagements; 2000 Bloggers; 9 Brands. Stand up for responsible blogging.

Sounds like a long shot and a tall order? It certainly is. Call it a social innovation. A dream. Or a vision. By whatever name, it’s exciting! Because we’re shaping the future together.

Responsible Blogging 2013 is the brainchild CrowdPot, a social media marketing company and Ninetology Malaysia, an ASEAN mobile device technology company. Making responsible blogging happen in a big way is their dream.

Responsible Blogging 2013 reaches out to three very important groups of stakeholders:
  • Netizens
  • Bloggers
  • Brand owners
When this triad comes together –we (this includes you, you and you) are making a huge statement that we expect responsible blogging. Beyond just words, won’t we go the distance to make it happen?
It is a year long campaign with an estimated half a million cash & prize giveaway for all winning Responsible Bloggers and Humans.

Bloggers from Penang, Ipoh, Melaka, Klang, Klang Valley (Selangor), Klang Valley (KL), Johor Bahru, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching, we will be meeting you soon!

Together with 9 Responsible Brands, we invite all fellow Malaysian Bloggers within the 9 regions to take part in building the grassroot force. And we’ll do it by coming together – Two-Thousand-Strong for Responsible Blogging.

let's follow the 9 golden pillars provided for responsible blogging.

so, what are you waiting for? let's get started and visit www.responsibleblogging.my to do a change for the blogging world!

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