Hello there! this is my evening news for my beloved readers. do enjoy. =)
Remember this post? i posted saying that i went to my bestie Sha's birthday and two days later, we head out as a group but i will talk about that later.
let's just concentrate on this birthday post shall we? =)

The birthday girl aka the queen of the night.

first group picture after so many months. first picture for the night. see! the gift bag is still in my hand!

reshie and sha.

roshan and sha. ;)

reshie and af.

she looks like a lady who is having her engagement party right? lol. i wonder how she will look like when she have her engagement party someday. =D

[from the left] reshie, me, sha, roshan, arvin.

[from left] reshie, me, sha, arvin, af.
arvin left our high school when he was 15 and this is the first time since i seen him. wow. 6 years! O.O
then, we started getting "drunk" with the lime juice and started behaving comfortably which produced these pictures. lol.

that's varsha. sha's baby sister. she's cute! and she has good PR skills! =D

ouh God. my arms. did push-ups like din do any push-ups at all. =________=

i love hugs like this!!! tight and warm!

siblings love! =D

FYI, i was sitting on her's lap. i wonder how she can stand my weight. lol.

pity her. she got no time to eat at all! at this time, most of the guest are on their way home. only we girls act crazy around her at this time.

FYI, there's a bar beside this cafe and the conversation went like this:
me: sha, let's go next door jom!
sha: okaay. let's go. *she said this without thinking and she even stood up!*
the girls: *started laughing hysterically*
now, given sha's character, it's a little hard to imagine her in a bar taking a shot to celebrate her's birthday. that is why we laugh like what when those words came out spontaneously from her mouth.
if you are reading this, one day yea sha? one fine day we go and have a 21 year old birthday shot. ;)

my favorite picture of the night. we took this picture 4 years back and lots of things had changed about us. well, da besar la katakan. =D
again. thanks for inviting us and happy birthday sha! =D
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Receiving happy vibes!