
Lunch Date With Le Girls

By iameunicegm - 8:58 PM

hello there!

finals has officially begin which means that soon, it will be holidays! woohoo!

i started with english paper today and 5 more papers to go. i just hope everything goes smoothly. i really wanna gain a scholarship with this semester results so i have to get really good results haihh. it's tough to be a student eh? at the same time, i have to be good in my activities which i think are much more important than academic cause going out there to the world, it's all about what can you do and not what did you learn.

anyway, last sunday, Di was away at work so i took the opportunity to go out with my friends. we went to subway nearby out place, boy, our place is growing, rumors are saying that soon there will be a cinema, gosh. how time past huh?

back to the story, we met up around 10 plus and ate to our heart's content. it was yummy but too messy? i think i took too much veggies. we laughed, we talked, we discuss about our future and we act a little gaga with WeChat. lol. and also, of course there is photo session laa. hehe. how can THAT be forgotten?

my ladies are growing up and boy, they are a fully grown ladies liao. soon, they will be walking down the aisle and i will be a auntie soon! woohoo! *long way to go but yeah..*

it was a short reunion but we had fun. just food, laughter, pictures to remind us of the memories, and lotsa planning of the future. i am grateful that i have these amazing friends. it is an honor to be their BFF. =)

eunice gm.

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