
Paris Jackson Attempts Suicide

By iameunicegm - 11:20 AM

hello there!

i woke up to some interesting news, like Miley is going to sing a song about drugs and THIS.

i guess everyone knows who is this Paris Jackson right? if you don't know, then you sure know who is Michael Jackson? haha. Paris Jackson is obviously this legend daughter.

She was taken from Calabasas, California around 2am on 5th of June and had been placed on a stretcher and taken to a nearby hospital. The caller to 911 allegedly told operators that Paris Jackson had cut her wrists.

meanwhile, on 4th June, Paris tweeted, "I wonder why tears re salty?" she then added the lines to the Beatles song, Yesterday: "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they're here to stay."

sad hor?

see? it's not easy to be in the spotlight. many had taken down this road but thank God Paris survived it. i just hope she will find something that can change her perception on life.

credits: http://galaxieblog.com.my/blog/permalink.asp?id=6819

eunice gm.

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