
Little Ray Graduation

By iameunicegm - 5:00 PM


last saturday was a rainy day but an enjoyable day cause my little soldier has step out of his kindergarten life! wee~

this little kid is going to be 7 years old next year and mom and i are starting to gather ideas on what to get him for christmas AND first-day-school-present. any ideas?

the backdrop for the day. 

this little kid- age 2- smart- hyper- dislike red- thinks before he do something-

conclusion- one smart kid. not one to mess around. =D

but kawaiiii!!

here is the spotlight for the day. i got to do this focal thingy cause i was sitting too far to focus more on him. ah well.

rainy day~


super moms in action. 

the boys with their favorite pose. i don't know why must they stick their tongue out, sit with their legs wide open but yea, their style. only God knows. =D

Little Ray with his principle.

i just love his serious face. this was secretly taken when he was busy listening to the adults talking about his academic in class. gosh. *melt*

don't kindergarten makes you go gaga over children? >_<

eunice gm.

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