
Travel- Kuala Lumpur (KLCC, Pavilion, Sungai Wang Plaza)

By iameunicegm - 12:53 AM

here we go again. i think this will be the last post regarding Kuala Lumpur trip. =D

Day 3

we went to KLCC to find for some affordable food to be exact but the only best place that we can find is this Japanese restaurant that sells food in set and in a big portion.

my beloved and i. wee~ 

i seems to like this photo. a lot. i don't know why but yeah, i seems to be relax in this photo. =D

here you go, if it is not mistaken its call Pavilion? haha. i am so blur when it come to shopping malls in KL.

in the middle of a sea of people. 

the smell of jagung just float around!

and polo bread! it has different taste in it and i just love it but then, too many people were buying it so i got to skip it and just get some bites. =(

will try more of it next time if i visit Sungai Wang again. 

well, that's all for KL trip. hope to see more of it but not too soon. i got tons of work to settle here in JB and i think i should focus more on the important things first. bubye people!

eunice gm.

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