
Date With Le Girls/ Ladies

By iameunicegm - 3:57 AM

Last friday, we girls decided to go out and have a little fun. not having any plans in mind, we decided to go on a spontaneous spur.

once all the girls are in, we decided to have nasi briyani for lunch at 7 Spice Indian Cuisine. we had chicken, lamb and vegetarian briyani and i guess it can be rate as normal price for banana leave food? mine cost RM15 for one huge chunk of chicken, 1 whole egg, and lotsalotsa rice! ouh2, a small plate of yogurt too! i got to know that actually that yogurt was meant to be poured on the briyani rice. gee, new knowledge received on that day.

something sweet. super sweet. forgot the name though.

we then headed to city square. i forgot the main reason why we were there anyway but we ended up going to The Delicious Cafe at City Square. 

and before that, of course laa got lotsa selfie! =D

my darlings~

my girls who are growing up turning to ladies. >_<

the top view of city square. it's a nice place to take pictures but i find it a little small for me? hehe. shouldn't a park like this be huge? hmm. personal views though. =D

let's pose ugly eh? sha seems to be enjoying herself with a smile though.

i can say the picture above is tempting enough for you huh? it is a super nice high tea i can say. laughter and stories were exchange during this whole process and i am super glad to have these girls in my life. =D

one selfie eh? =P

eunice gm.

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