
I Share #9

By iameunicegm - 2:13 PM

#9 should had been posted 2 weeks ago eh? ahah! #guilty

well, on this week, on I Share,

This is one good way to learn contemporary dance isin't it? i personally love contemporary dance cause i felt that so many things can be expressed in one dance but with these moves, i think i can be a profesionaly dancer. ahah! watch till you get to the last part. it's hilarious! a good ending, i would say.

Joshue Simon is seriously cool with this production video. i mean, how long had he sat with his computer trying to mash up 33 songs in 3 minites? man! don't this guy have other things to do? but thank God for that! at least, we get to see something cool eh?

A cover from my teen's crush boys. well, i did have crush on them still till now but just crush. not a huge fan or something like that. after watching this video, i did burst out laughing with them. amazing people with amazing ideas huh?

that's all for this week! got to run and continue on reading law! >_<

all the best to those who are having their finals!

eunice gm.

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