
Hello 2014!

By iameunicegm - 10:25 PM


it's been sooo long since i last blogged! gosh! how i miss the sound of frantic typing on my lappie!

well, i had been busy.

there's final exam around the corner, Christmas parties, gathering with friends from all over my life phase, and of course there is family who needs my attention. well, it had been one hectic December for me and i am glad it is over now. phew!

*draw deep breath*

i had been procrastinating to blog since the time that i have with me is usually spend on twitter, facebook, youtube, and TUMBLR! i am super addictive to tumblr right now! if you can't find me around here, i sure will be in tumblr world playing around like a silly girl. ahah!

so, how had christmas and new year eve for me? well, if i were to minus all the busyness and the fact that i was sick on christmas eve, then i would say it was a good one. not an awesome one though cause we did not party all night long or crazy stuff like that. it was more to being humble this year? maybe its because my piggy bank did not allow any craziness involve too i guess. *if you got what i meant*

as for year 2014, what is my hopes and vision eh? hmm. i just hope i can achieve the resolutions that i made in 2013? ahah! flashback time people!

*lights blaring*

here is the link to my 2013 resolutions.


no 1- have a heart after God.
well, i guess i did but i still need to do more on my private life with God. in 2013 though, i did get involve with the ministry. a good start for me i guess?

no 2- lose back to 53kg.
ahah! *awkward laugh* i stop my diet when i got over my summer semester break so i think it did not drop too far. right now, it would be 2 more kg to lose before i hit my goal. wish me luck! and pray that the determination sticks!

no 3- score 3.50 GPA for each semester.
hmmm. for my second semester, i did score well. but for this coming final, i wonder if the result will be more than 3.5. i am a little worry for 3 subjects. law, an islamic subject, and finance. *sigh* i just hope these subjects will be kind to me. i am trying to do whatever i can do right now. >_<

no 4- learn to take care of skin
ouuh man. i sucks in this! i continued doing it but till one day, i ditch everything and stop my skin routine! i don't know what got into me but yeah, have to keep going on this.

no 5- lead a healthy lifestyle
this i did real well. i did not take any junk food, not like last time, where i can sumbat so many junk food at one time. this time, i did try to exercise a lot and did lotsa swimming till my skin color has changed! >_<

as for my bucket wish, i did none of it as it needs lotsa money! but i did however went traveling to many places this year. it may not be far places like another country but as long it involves traveling, i am gonna take that as traveling. =D

2013 for me. *sad smile*

it had been one year full of tears, joy, laughter, craziness and many more feelings involve but that is life right? it's a rollercoaster ride where things will be up and down. we just need to give our best and shout out loud when we hit the highest point!


Pulau Perhentian! 

Kukup trip.

Tangkak- Muar- Melaka. 

Porm night 2013. 

Kuala Lumpur Trip.

Sunway Lagoon.

Involved in Pesta Tanglung. *totally beat up*

i finally learn how to smile with my teeth showing. >_<

awesome birthday celebration with my friends. finally reaching 21 years old in december and now i am stepping into 22 years old? 

Take the opportunity to continue to write your stories. it's a new year. another year to give yourselves a chance and just do anything you wanna do! do not hurt yourself though. enjoy life. life is too precious to be wasted.
ouh! ouh!
start doing this!

one day. one fine day. =)

eunice gm.

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