
Bloggie Tip: How To Insert Link Into Blog Comments

By iameunicegm - 1:02 PM


there are so many giveaways and segments that are super inviting to join huh and leaving comments is super interesting too but how do we give them a hyperlink so that they can visit us back?

well, i was looking around google to find an idea on how to insert "Sleek & Pump" instead of the usual https://blahblahblah into blog comments when i found this!

soo, i decided to share lor since i need it for my future comments and maybe you guys can use it too? but don't use for wrong reasons eh?

okay, let's get to business and let's see if this can be a simple version.

all you need to do is copy this code.

<a href="http://justmeandeu.blogspot.com/">Sleek & Pump</a>

type whatever things that you need on the comment page, and add on this HTML code.

on the pink text, paste your url link, which can be obtained from the top page of the website *like the picture below* and on the green text, that is going to be your shown text.

so here is how it looks like if you paste the HTML code:

and this is how it looks like after posting your comment.

cool huh?

well, i am a little lame for not knowing this earlier but at least now i know. =D

credit: [link]

eunice gm.

Disclaimer: i do not own the code to this tutorial as i am not THAT familiar with HTML code. they give me the creeps but i do own the pictures in this post.

LOL. wtf.

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