
22 August- Mourning Malaysia

By iameunicegm - 10:48 PM

Hi guys. It's a sad post for Sleek & Pump and for the whole world. As you guys had known, or if not yet know, you are going to know about it, is that this Friday, the 22nd of August, the bodies of our Malaysian friends are coming home. It's a sad day and a happy day I guess. It's sad cause, duhh- it's a tragedy and happy for their family members who can finally lay them to peace and do the expected prayers according to their religion.

Anyway, since it's a mourning day, it is advised to wear black or dark colors to show our solidarity towards the nation. It is advised that the main areas in the cities are supposed to stop any activities they are doing for a minute to respect that timing which is at 10.45am. 

To end this post, I just wanna say I am sorry that this tragedy had happen. I am sorry that our fellow Malaysians and other mankind had passed away but I do know justice will take place to those who are involve. If justice do not takes part on earth, it will be judge in the final hour.

With much love and respect to MH17.

eunice gm.

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