Travel- Penang | Penang Hill & Others

By iameunicegm - 10:23 PM

Read more on Day 1 and Day 2.

Day 3

Day 3 was spend on the other side of Penang that we need to use vehicles to bring us over. It was exciting for me when we know the fact that we used 3 different kind of transportation in 4 days, airplane, ferry, and land. It was kinda cool.

The first stop that we went was the Kek Lok Si Temple. It is said to be the largest Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia and on the way up, you can find many shops that sells souvenirs. Since I am a Christian and I am not allowed to go in *according to my mom* and I was not feeling okay with the idea, so I only went to the half peak. There is a huge statue at the peak but did not get the chance to see it. 

Anyway, on the way to the top, there is a place where you can feeds turtles and tortoise. There was so many of them and they are so cute! 

The scenery is a amazing that it can just takes your breath away. Imagine if I were to go up to Mountain Kota Kinabalu, I am sure I would be more than amaze and maybe might faint up there. 

We then head to Bukit Bendera, also known as the Penang Hill. We were lucky as the trains that were supposed to bring us to the top had just finished their renovation and there were so many people who were rushing to feel the new trains. 

If I remember correctly, I spend RM4 here. It's the price for student card and having an IC. It is worth it I would say.

Try this. It's the mixture of the usual "kuda kacang" with "muruku". It taste crispy and soft all at the same time.

There's a love bridge that looks similar to Paris but unique in its own way. 

Can you figure out what we were doing?

Can't go on a real horse? A fake will do. =D

After lunch, which I forgot to take pictures, we head over to Straits Quay where the rich people are known to hang out here. It's nothing much, almost similar to JPO in JB i would say but with air condition. 

We went to "The Library" to hang out and play a good game of "Killer" and it was fun, except I did not get a chance to be a killer. I only got once and I was busted right away. Dang. 

Loving this picture. She just got the feels huh? =D

The evening ended with us going to the Ferringhi Beach where the popular Hard Rock Cafe is. There was people paragliding in the sky and oh how I wish I was in in! 

Our fail flexibility pose and do give a round of applause for that kind dog who tolerate us though we were doing stupid stuff right above him.

Day 4 (Final Day)
It was the day to go home and boy, it was a sad day. We sat on a ferry (again) to go over to Penang and we saw lotsa jellyfish! wee!

A good plate of Mee Rebus makes a good day. 

I look tanned. I am. =________=

We celebrated our two friends whose birthdays are coming up soon and boy, it was a HUGE mess! We bought two cakes from two different shop and then we went to Starbucks to "celebrate" it there so I asked the waitress to hold on to the cake till they are ready to serve it. However, things did not go with the actual plan as their manager showed up and the waitress, supervisor I think, came over to our table, while the two birthday girls was there, and said, "I am so sorry but our manager did not allowed us to bring the cake over. Can you plese collect it at the counter?"

Dang. =______=

I started laughing as the plan was out of control and I don't even know why I started laughing but I just found that it was super hilarrious. We tried so hard to keep it down and poof, it was destroyed. *tsktsktsk*

Everything went well after that and I was glad to be able to be in the plane, home sweet home. =)

It was a fun trip. Laughing was our second food as we kept laughing, even at small stupid things. It was fun to visit Penang and I would be back again. =D

Here is the video compilation of Penang Travelogue. Hope you enjoy it! =D

Part I

Part II

Peace and out!

eunice gm.

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