
Starting of 2015

By iameunicegm - 12:47 AM

First of all, let me wish you guys a very Blessed New Year 2015! It may be a little late but never let rules hold you down, right mate? *wink*

How did you past your NYE? Mine was a little boring but I did met up with some friends from my childhood time and shared little words. I planned to celebrated it with friends this last year but then they all ditched me so I decided to spend it with my family, which only consists of mom. The two men had their own company this last year.

Anyway, something to share that might bring a little humor and excitement in my boring life.


On 01.01.2015, I drove this humble car of mine for branch and before I could know what is going on, the car infront of me made a emergency brake and many had said that I was too close but I still stand firm on my stand that maybe it's because of Malaysia's car brake? Ahah. It was all too chaos and all I know is this. Thank God though that no one got hurt so everyone was doing okay. Guess what happen to the car who I kissed. His was in perfect condition but not flawless la. He got a few scratches but his car bonnet can still be open. Ah well, unlucky me I guess? This is the result of a Toyota vs. a Malaysia car. =______=

Ditch that story aside. What are your plans for 2015? Let me discuss a few in here.

Frankly speaking, I am in lack of so many stuff from above. This old brain of mine have to start moving don't they? This year, instead of just focusing on my outside, I wanna focus on my inner side too. I wanna learn to compliment people more. Yeah, I have trouble in that. I don't know why. Lol.

I also wanna learn to be a little more caring. I know I do care but I lack the showing of it and I hate it at times cause when I am fighting with my inner thoughts, someone else had done that a long time ago. I don't know if this can be change but well, at least it is a new time to try right?

#runawaykid in Kuala Lumpur for a short vacay. =D

Ouh! This year, I wanna travel more. #runawaykid is coming back soon I guess. I just wanna run and run and run! Weee~

With all that, there is also final year project for me. Oh man. Thinking about it just gives me the creep but I am fire up for that cause I know that by doing FYP means that I am closer to my goal. I hope this goal of mine is the same as God's plans la but I really do hope things will go well from here. 2012 had been shit. 2013 had been a growing phase. 2014 had been a year to count my blessings and to appreciate all the things that I had missed so in this year, 2015, I do hope to see great things happening in my life. I wanna push myself into a limit that I never will expect to see myself in. I wanna look back at 2015 and say, "Wow. I seriously done all that?" 

So, all the best for all of your resolutions that you will try hard to do for the past few weeks but always remember, change does not happen if you do not do anything about it. 

with love, xoxo,
eunice gm.

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