
Bells are ringing!

By iameunicegm - 1:39 AM


You have entered a zone where emotions are running high and laughter and tears are flowing freely. Please don't read this as if I am going crazy. It's just the.. hormones I guess.. or just life. :) 

30th Aug seems to be a special day for many people around me. A cousin got married, which is a beautiful wedding ceremony. The whole wedding seems so simple and sweet. I love the vibes between the couple and how their love for God vibrates around them. You should read their wedding document. Yup, there was a document prepared to assists friends and family with the wedding ceremony since it was via zoom. I love their idea on donating to their favorite charity which is a beautiful gesture. Nothing cliche like red packets or the headache of thinking what to get the couple. 

Oh, a bestie from uni mentioned that she would also be tying the knot in a few months time. I am so excited! I was just looking at her picture a few days ago, thinking when would this girl get married and here she is, announcing that she would be getting hitch soon! I don't think it was me manifesting it but if it was, I am blasting good vibes all the way! 

Anyhoos, given that the topic is regarding wedding bells, I had a conversation with mom the other day, discussing about marriage and what are our thoughts about it. Well, I do not stand strong on marriage although I do want to get married but I think I am not 100% sure that I actually want to? I am not sure what is the right method of explaining these feelings but I feel that getting married is super scary and I don't think I am ready to share my life with someone. It's learning to grow and be one with your partner and to be able to find a partner that will stay together for many years, I am not very confident with my choice.

"Why wanna get married? Marriage life isn't easy. If you can take care of yourself, no need to married laa." 

That was what mom told me during our conversation. I kinda understand where she is coming from and I will leave it as that given that this blog is public but taking care of myself is definitely checked but sometimes it does sound fun to have someone beside you to cuddle up to when you need a hug or to bugged when you need to tease someone. There are always two sides to a coin, and it is the same to being in a relationship. I don't think I am ready yet to commit to a relationship or maybe I am putting a high standard on who and what type of person would I allowed myself to be committed to. I think I'm just tired of dating and would just leave it to His hands. If things do happen, it happen, and if it does not happen, be it. My life does not rotate around marriage alone right? 

Given that I am thinking that way, during a discussion about wedding, a friend said, "If you were to listen to Eunice, you will never get married". A little back story, we were discussing about communication in a relationship and how are some men in those relationships. That sentence actually got me thinking, am I putting my standard too high up? Am I not thinking like the other girls? Do I need to lower my standard, find a boyfriend and just get married without considering too much? 


To those who know me - well, you would know my answer. ;) 

This whole conversation did had me putting a little more thoughts into the idea of marriage but it still did not change the way I think about marriage. If I were to make it into a fairy tale, it is never gonna be one. Marriage is never a fairy tale like the movies. Disney Princess do not tell the truth and romantic chic films has more to offered in terms of the real deal. I think I have that part down and when I am having thoughts like this, I really do hope, I do not make a wrong choice or to regret the choice that I make when the future me wants to get married. 

Now, what are YOUR thoughts on getting married? 


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