
it's been a while

By iameunicegm - 2:50 AM

Hello there!

Greetings from my bed at 2.44am. Its one of those nights that I can't fall asleep again. I'm tired by my eyes aren't closing. I think I'm thinking too much.
I'm thinking about my project, my financial health, my mental health, my freaking body and its hormones and just the whole way how things are at home. Even the Deco is getting on my nerve. 

I just came back from a short island getaway but boy it aren't enough. It aren't enough to sooth my aching soul. I'm longing for the sea and spending time just chilling on the beach. I'm longing for freedom from all of this day to day life. I do understand that even if I were to get that life, I may find it routine and fall into the whole boring life again so who am I to complain aye?

People are thriving and moving and yet I feel that I'm on constant speed at the moment. I aren't feeling that I am changing for the better. Somehow I feel that I'm slowly allowing myself to sink a little more and hope that I can find the strength to kick myself out from this muddy water. 
Oh don't mind me.. Its the 2am brain. I just got to take a cold shower and lay my head down, shutting down this reality for a short while to let this chaotic brain rest. 

P/s: I need to see the gynae once again if this aren't stopping. 


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