
How I Spend Malaysia Day (A Boring Version)

By iameunicegm - 11:21 PM

 Happy Malaysia Day! 

It's a Public Holiday for Malaysia today so I a whole day planned with activities with the intention that I would use this day to the max. However, things sort of went the other way instead. 

We went out for some good Malaysian cuisine, Banana Leaf Rice and low and behold, right after I came out from the store, the allergic attacked. I started sneezing and got my eyes all watery. It was the usual feeling that comes and goes on some days. Most of the time, it could happen due to pollen or when I eat belacan. I have never went to a doc for this so can't really say how it should go. 

Anyhoos, still decided to go on with the plan so we went to the Art Friend in Curve. If you have not been there, you should for all the art lovers! I have been leaving around the hood for a few years and I did not know that place exists. It has the cool things although you can't really find everything but you should be able to find what you are looking for. Membership is RM10 and you get 10% discount. 

I got what I need and head over to Mr. DIY to get the rest of the things before heading home. All of this with my nose sneezing away into my mask and trying not to cry. It was the worst feeling ever. Oh, I did took my medicine but somehow the meds do take some time to hit. 

The plan was to complete the full set for the launching but somehow I ended up completing only 2 of the design and one of the design is not even something that I like. I am so disappointed with myself but I was too tired to proceed with whatever designs that I have. I did however managed to survey more and I decided to not just focus on a target group but to focus on a larger scale. In Malaysia, we got tons of girls who love a good pair of earrings but when it comes to choosing one, it may be tough since we have girls who do not have pierced ears or even some girls who would prefer to cover with hijab hence I decided to not just focus on the typical earrings but also to focus on these group of girls. 

I think I would go slow first though to ensure that I do not rush things or screwed things up. I am a little worry to be honest but I would definitely love to try and see how this would work out. Bunny & Bubbles would deffo be a success! #manifestation 


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