
Books Haul (MPH NU Sentral Sales)

By iameunicegm - 11:10 PM


Hello peeps! 

NU Sentral MPH Bookstore was having sales and books were as cheap as RM3 even though I couldn't find enough time to search for it. The queue to get in was long enough and when you get in, there is another section that you got to queue up for as those were the books that has RM3 price tag. There were tons of people and I kid you not when I had to line up for 40 minutes in total and I only got 10 minutes to search through the pile of books with other people. It was not a fun book shopping that's for sure but I am glad I got myself some new books for the year 2021. All 6 books cost me RM74.90. Not bad aye? 4 of the books I got it from the RM5 pile and the other two had discount tied to it. 

The books that I used to get are crimes, horror, fictional history and sometimes chic lite genre but this time round, I step out from my comfort zone and took a look at books that youngsters are reading. Yep - I got myself 2 books which talks about dragons and riders. Let's dive back into my young reader and see how she feels aye? 

If you are interested in reading and want some new books, you can try to head over to MPH bookstores located in NU Sentral, Gurney Plaza or Vivacity Megamall and the promotion would last up to 31st of March as stocks last. 

And yes... i failed #nobuychallenge once again this month. Dammit. 


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