
She Just Wants to Forget by R. H. Sin

By iameunicegm - 10:20 PM

Women has always been seen as the weaker gender and although we could withstand pain, physically and emotionally, we are always deemed lesser by men and sometimes women does that even worst too. It's crazy how we are seen by social standards that we have to fit into a certain way and I have to admit, I do sometimes feel that I have to act a certain way that a women is expected just because... 

Anyhoos, I was reading this book recently and I had enjoyed it quite a lot, taking screenshots (It was an e-book) and sharing it to friends on social media. There are some stuff that I couldn't really relate but there are some beautiful versus that I would like to share:

Do take a read. :) 

Now, to all the women out there, hold your head up high and take on the world. 


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