
"Harry Potter" Animate Images - My Heritage

By iameunicegm - 11:20 PM

Hello there! 

If you have seen Tiktok, there were tons of videos going viral with this new app. When I first saw it, I immediately downloaded the app and tried to log in but was not able to do so. 

Finally, after 5 long days of trying, I did it. I'm finally in the app. 

Basically, there's this app called My Heritage that allows you to track your family tree and the fun part about the app is that you get to upload images and animate it. You know, how Harry Potter newspaper have animations on it but there are images? Yep - like that. 

Hence, I did it on 2 pictures. One, a picture of my grandparents on my mom side when they got married and two, a picture of my grandma on my dad side which she passed when my dad was still in his teens. It was pretty interesting to see them smile and when I send it to my pop. 

He said, Thank you eunice for doing this. It looks so real. 


Soo, if you wanna try it out, go ahead - i think they upgraded their website too so can use via web but do note that they only allow up to 5 trials of animations though and I managed to do 2 images cause I used 2 different accounts soo, just be aware laa. 

It was black and white before this

This was the results when I did the animation. My grandmama (mom side) is still alive however grandpa and uko leto has passed on. 

A video of uko leto. A video of grandpapa. A video of grandmama.

It's amazing huh how technology can bring life again to these images? There was no video back in the 50's hence to be able to see this, is amazing. I'm pretty sure there are many out there who tried it with their loved ones who unfortunately has passed on. I'm glad that the creator of this app came out with this. 


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  1. Wow that's totally amazing that the app can bring the images to life!!!

    1. ikr! It brings tons of joy to my parents somehow when they saw it.

  2. truly amazing with the technologies nowdays.. the vibe and feeling is different when watching moving photo for sure ..

    1. especially when these images are way back in the late 50's. it's amazing.


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